Adopt a seal!
Exclusive adoption
With an exclusive adoption, you become the sole adopter of a seal and are allowed to name it. Additionally, you receive 10 entrance tickets and an official adoption certificate. When the seal is ready to be released, as an adopter, you have the privilege to release the seal yourself and open the box (maximum of 2 people per box).
The cost for a large adoption is a one-time fee of €600. This amount sponsors a part of the costs (medication, food, and sometimes even surgery) that A Seal incurs to rehabilitate the animal during its stay.
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Shared adoption
This form of adoption is a symbolic way to help the animals in our center.
For €50.00, you become a co-adopter and receive an adoption certificate and two free tickets. With this adoption, you help us to restore the health of the animals in our center.
We regularly share beautiful stories of animals in our center on social media. This gives you a clear picture of what we do with your contribution for the animals.
At a public release, you can come and watch the animals return to the sea. These releases are announced on Facebook and our website. Follow our Facebook page or subscribe to the website’s message service to stay well informed!
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Share a seal
A special way of adopting! Suitable for companies, family outings, or small groups. With your group, you release your “own” seal on the beach at a mutually agreed time. Once the adopted seal disappears into the sea, a toast is made with a bubbly (non-alcoholic option available) from a unique A Seal champagne glass. These glasses with an etched A Seal logo can be taken home as a souvenir.
For your contribution, you also receive:
1 x personalized adoption certificate
1 x photoshoot, you will receive the photos afterward by email
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Corporate adoption
We offer companies an exclusive opportunity to support A Seal through corporate adoption.
For €2000, your company sponsors A Seal Seal Rescue. You adopt a seal, which you can name and release. You also receive 15 free tickets and an adoption certificate. This adoption includes a special evening opening for staff or relations with a tour of our center (maximum 50 people). Additionally, your company will be mentioned on our website and Facebook.
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A Seal is a foundation with ANBI status, making gifts and donations tax-efficient.