Support us!
A Seal relies on donations, sponsorships, and gifts. Your donation is used entirely for the care of the animals.
Our foundation is recognized by the tax authorities as an ANBI, an institution whose donations may be claimed as tax deductions by donors. The annual tax return provides information on how this works.
There are many other ways to help the seals and support the A Seal Foundation. You can also become a donor, adopt a seal, or volunteer.
As an individual or company, you can help by collecting empty ink cartridges for Aseal. With the proceeds, we can continue to care for sick, weak, and orphaned seals. And by doing this, you’re not only helping Aseal but also saving the environment!
Send an email for information and possibilities to with the subject “cartridge collection”.
You can also support us when you make a purchase at an online store! How does this work? Click on “Sponsor Clicks” and you will be redirected to a page where you can select your store. Then you’re automatically redirected to the respective online store to shop. A Seal receives a percentage of your purchase amount in this way. It costs you nothing extra!